Guiding Paws: Helping Your Dog Overcome Social Anxiety

As a pet photographer, I’ve had the privilege of capturing the unique personalities of countless dogs. Some are bold and boisterous, while others are shy and reserved, particularly around new people or dogs. Social anxiety in dogs is a common issue, but with patience and understanding, you can help your furry friend become more confident in social situations. Let’s explore how to support a dog with social anxiety.

Understanding Social Anxiety in Dogs

Social anxiety in dogs is caused by fear in unfamiliar situations. It can manifest in various ways: dogs may hide behind their human, distance themselves, or even runaway. Other dogs may show aggression by barking or growling. They may whine or act nervous and pace, or they may start licking excessively. These behaviors are often rooted in fear and uncertainty about what’s expected of them or what the presence of others might mean. It’s important to recognize these signs early and approach them with empathy. Too often people who love dogs will try to co tinge to approach the dog, overconfident that their love of dogs will change the dog’s behavior. But like people, that usually doesn’t help the situation.

Even normally confident dogs can feel this anxiety. Maggie, my poodle, can act this way when bike’s approach quickly from behind and she doesn’t hear them until they are on top of us or when another dog acts a bit aggressively. I have also seen her get nervous around unfamiliar young children who do not know how to behave around dogs so they run at her and want to hug her because she is cute and fluffy.

Rescue dogs can be particularly prone to social anxiety depending on the situation they came from. I don’t know what life was like for my Leo before we got him, but since he had a BB stuck under his skin when we got him and was very underweight, I can conclude it wasn’t good. He will bark at unfamiliar people and especially at other dogs, but he will even bark at objects they are unfamiliar, like the time he was growling and barking at a red ring shaped life preserver on a dock by a lake. He is definitely more fearful. So what can we do to help?

Strategies to Help Your Anxious Dog

1. Go at Your Dog’s Pace: Forcing a socially anxious dog into overwhelming situations can exacerbate their fears. Instead, take small, gradual steps to introduce them to new experiences. Start with quiet, controlled environments and slowly build up to more complex social settings. This is the reason that most rescue’s suggest giving a dog several weeks or more to decompress after they are adopted in order to slowly adapt to a new environment. Unfortunately, this is also a major reason why dog’s are returned to rescues because people do not have the patience needed. Look for clues that your dog is comfortable in the present situation before introducing them to more complex ones.

2. Positive Reinforcement: Use treats, praise, and favorite toys to reward your dog for calm behavior around new people or animals. This positive reinforcement helps them associate social interactions with good things. It is a good idea to save a special treat just for these training time, so that the only time they get that favorite treat is when they are acting in a positive way. My one caveat to this is that if your dog is too food motivated the high value treat may make them over excited.

3. Consistent Training: Regular training sessions can boost your dog’s confidence. Basic commands like sit, stay, and come not only improve their behavior but also help them feel more secure in their ability to interact with the world. With Maggie, the one command that has helped the most in situations where she has some anxiety is “Leave it” said gently but firmly after I have had her sit down. Leo is still a work in progress.

4. Controlled Introductions: When introducing your dog to new people or other animals, keep the encounters short and sweet. Use a calm, reassuring tone, and allow your dog to retreat if they feel the need. Over time, they’ll learn that they can trust these situations and you. The mistake I see people make too often is people getting mad or embarrassed if their dog shys away from someone. This sometimes happens when I am hired as a photographer and meet the dog for the first time. People are afraid I won’t like the dog or I won’t be able to get good pictures if the dog is shy. Most dogs take to me right away, but for those who do not, I find that just being calm around them, ignoring them, and letting them warm up to me will do the trick if their humans do not get anxious about it. Remember, dogs sense your anxiety and it can increase theirs.

5. Create a Safe Space: Make sure your dog has a safe, quiet place to retreat to when they feel overwhelmed. This could be a crate with their favorite blanket or a special room where they can relax away from noise and activity. It may mean allowing your dog to go sit alone in a corner of the yard for awhile or crawl under a bench.

6. Seek Professional Help: Sometimes, despite your best efforts, professional help might be necessary. A certified dog trainer or a veterinarian specializing in behavior can provide guidance tailored to your dog’s specific needs. Some communities, like my own Howard County, have group dog training classes offered several times a year at lower prices than hiring a trainer yourself if your funds are limited. If you feel individualized help is needed, seek recommendations from fellow dog owners and local groups. Not all training methods are good for dogs, so do your research first.

Documenting the Journey

As you work with your dog to overcome their social anxiety, remember to document their progress. Photographs and videos of their journey can be incredibly rewarding to look back on. They not only show how far your dog has come but also celebrate the steps—big and small—that they have taken. These memories can be a powerful reminder of the bond you’ve strengthened through your support and love.

Helping your dog manage their social anxiety is a compassionate journey that can greatly improve their quality of life and deepen the connection you share. With patience and understanding, you can help your dog become more confident and happy in their interactions with the world around them.


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