Life with Dogs (and other thoughts)

My blogs cover many aspects of life with dogs as well as other content relevant to my clients who do not have other pets or no pets at all.

If you are not seeing the blogs, scroll down a bit.

Stephanie Sabourin Stephanie Sabourin

Why Both Physical and Mental Exercise Are Essential for Dogs

As a pet photographer, I’ve witnessed firsthand the vibrant energy and sharp minds of dogs at their best, but I have also seen dogs who are struggling. Keeping your dog physically active and mentally stimulated is not just a part of basic care—it’s crucial for their overall health and happiness. Incorporating both physical and mental exercise into your dog’s daily life is vitally important to keeping your dog healthy and happy.

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Stephanie Sabourin Stephanie Sabourin

The Problem of Backyard Dog Breeders and the Amish: Raising Awareness

Dog lovers, it's time we address a pressing issue affecting the welfare of our beloved pets: backyard breeders and, specifically, the role some Amish communities play in this unfortunate practice. We must shed light on the dark side of unregulated breeding, emphasizing the importance of awareness and responsible pet ownership.

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Blog: Life with Dogs and More