Life with Dogs (and other thoughts)
My blogs cover many aspects of life with dogs as well as other content relevant to my clients who do not have other pets or no pets at all.
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Decoding Your Dog’s Behavior: What Your Dog Is Telling You
Becoming a dog owner is like stepping into a world where love speaks a silent language, a language of wags, yawns, and stretches. Each gesture holds a wealth of information about how your furry friend is feeling and what they need from you. Let’s decode some of these common dog behaviors together.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Why Not to Give a Puppy as a Christmas Gift
The holiday season is a time of giving, and we often want to give our loved ones exactly what they want. We want to surprise them with thoughtful gifts that say we have listened to them and know them and know their heart. Sometimes when we know our loved ones want a companion, a furry friend, we think that a puppy would be the perfect gift. However, this is one of those times where things may not go as planned. In fact, giving a puppy as a Christmas gift is not always the best choice, and a puppy should only be given in consultation with the recipient, and only after careful consideration of all aspects of dog ownership, because while a dog can be the best thing ever for the right person who is prepared, giving a puppy to a person who isn’t ready for one or doesn’t know what responsibilities which come with pet ownership can be a real disaster.
Can we forget about ticks once we get a freeze?
I grew up in Texas. It never stayed cold enough long enough for us to stop worrying about ticks. But the main ticks we worried about in suburbia were dog ticks. Then I moved to Maryland. For those of you not from Maryland, the deer are pretty much domesticated here. I can’t walk on the path from my suburban house along the river without encountering many deer, along with foxes, groundhogs, rabbits, and more. It is a beautiful thing to be able to be near so much nature, but all those deer also mean we have abundant deer ticks.
Safe and Sound: Navigating Fall Festivals with Your Furry Friend
The arrival of fall brings with it a sense of excitement as communities gear up for vibrant festivals and outdoor gatherings. From pumpkin patches to harvest fairs, there's no shortage of fun activities to enjoy during this season. If you're a dog owner, you might be tempted to bring your four-legged friend along for the festivities. While fall festivals can be a great way to spend quality time with your pup, it's crucial to prioritize their safety and well-being amidst the hustle and bustle. Here's a guide to ensuring your dog's safety when attending fall festivals.
The Problem of Backyard Dog Breeders and the Amish: Raising Awareness
Dog lovers, it's time we address a pressing issue affecting the welfare of our beloved pets: backyard breeders and, specifically, the role some Amish communities play in this unfortunate practice. We must shed light on the dark side of unregulated breeding, emphasizing the importance of awareness and responsible pet ownership.
Keeping Your Dog Safe in the Heat
Summer is upon us and temperatures are soaring in many parts of the USA including here in Maryland. While many folks enjoy the heat (not me), we need to remember that our dogs may not fare as well in the heat. Dogs are susceptible to heat-related illnesses, sunburn, and dehydration, making it vitally important for pet owners to take proactive measures to keep their dogs safe and comfortable during the hot summer months